SOUTH 89 SEED | (218) 463-1997
The first step in wheat management is the use of seed treatment. Seed treatments manage seed-borne diseases such as loose smut, bunts and Fusarium damaged kernels, but also maintains your population planted. This is especially true with adverse field conditions such as cold and wet soils. Seed treatments won’t provide season-long control, but will cover the first few weeks while stand establishment and tillering occur.
Multiple modes of action is important when choosing a seed treatment. The active ingredient metalaxyl will cover diseases like Pythium that thrive in cool-wet conditions while products containing a strobilurin or triazole will suppress root rot as soils warm. Products like Raxil Pro, Rancona and Foothold are all good options when choosing a seed treatment. Insecticides are recommended for heavy wireworm pressure which can occur in minimal tillage practices or fields that were recently sod bound (Think: CRP, alfalfa, etc).
Fungicide is top priority in a seed treatment, nutritionals and growth hormones have recently been added to the mix with success. Products like Awaken ST and Radiate can be easily mixed and applied with a fungicide seed treatment.
As the industry shifts to Certified Seed Only varieties, seed treatment becomes more important. These new genetics should be protected to maximize your ROI.
For more information on specific products and how to protect your yield, give us a call!