SOUTH 89 SEED | (218) 463-1997


    Dicamba in soybeans remains to be a good herbicide for tougher broadleaf weeds that are becoming resistant to Glyphosate. Proper use of dicamba products is important for best results and control of off target application. Many farmers are planting Xtend soybeans and if you haven’t completed Dicamba Use Training, I’ve included two links below to complete that task. Carl and I did the BASF Training this morning and it took about an hour with a 15 question, multiple choice quiz at the end. You have as many times as needed to click the correct answer! 🙂

    Dicamba Use in Soybeans jdsprayer

    Key Changes for 2021 Dicamba Use:

    • Only K-Salt Glyphosate are permitted for use with Dicamba products. (Ex. Roundup Powermax)
    • A pH buffering adjuvant OR volatility reduction adjuvant (VRA) is required with approved Dicamba product.
    • The application deadline has been extended in Minnesota from June 20 to June 30.
    • Corteva’s dicamba, FeXapan has been discontinued.